What if you could show up for your very first day of hospital orientation as a new grad...
and look like a highly-experienced and all-around awesome nurse?
We all know that as a newbie, you won’t have all of the clinical knowledge on day one.
But if you take away all of the technical knowledge, what “good nurse” qualities are left?
What qualities do experienced and amazing nurses possess that newbies typically don’t?
Humble confidence... the courage to admit when they don’t know something… an ability to tactfully communicate through difficult situations… an ability to provide authentic empathy without diving too deep… and the ability to mentally and emotionally disconnect from work so they can go home and enjoy the rest of their life.
From Kati Kleber MSN RN, nurse educator,
American Nurses Association published author, and national speaker
Back in 2010 as a new graduate nurse on a busy cardiac med-surg unit, I would drive into work at the crack of dawn after a night of stress-sleep. I would sit in my car and dread walking in, slowly sipping the burning coffee I knew I wouldn’t have time to finish once I clocked in (why did I even bring it?). Summoning the strength to take my hand off of the wheel and begin my half-mile hike to the unit would require a serious pep-talk.
All of the worst-case scenarios would run through my head...
What if a patient is awful to me and I don’t know how to respond, and I’m stuck taking care of them for 12 hours?
What if a physician asks me a really obvious question and I have no idea what the answer is and look incredibly dumb?
Or worse, what if I make a major mistake (good nurses don’t make those, right?) and harm a patient? I would never forgive myself...
Then one day, I had a life-changing epiphany… I wasn’t alone. In fact, the vast majority of newly licensed nurses also felt this way.
You see, it all begins in nursing school… We look to the nurses we encounter in clinical and just assume that once you get RN behind your name, you’ll know what to do. Something about finishing nursing school and passing the NCLEX® makes it so you have this coveted knowledge that only real nurses know, right?
Well, not so much.
Soon, reality hits.
You graduate. You pass boards. You start your very first job in a hospital.
Suddenly, all of the information you learned from those tests you passed are long forgotten…
Now, you’ve got a patient in front of you with a heart failure exacerbation and an oxygen saturation of 84%, who is now in atrial fibrillation with rapid ventricular response, with a heart rate of 170, and a blood pressure of 92/60, and a wife who keeps asking you questions you have no idea how to even begin answering...
(Did I give you a hypertensive crisis just now? My apologies.)
That textbook knowledge is hard to access when you’re in the thick of chaos.
At home, you begin to have an identity crisis of sorts…
“If nurses are supposed to know how to do all of this and I don’t… maybe I’m not cut out for this…?”
You see other people who started at the same time as you and they seem to get it. You begin to feel even more and more isolated. Admitting you don’t know what a PVC is, how to put a chest tube on wall suction, or titrate an insulin drip feels like the scariest thing ever.
Was all that time, effort, and money, a waste?
It doesn’t have to be that way.
What if you could walk into your patient’s rooms at the beginning of your shift and no longer feel like that mousey and intimidated nurse, hoping they don’t figure out how little you actually know?
What if you could enter your patient’s room and introduce yourself with the humble confidence of a nurse who is embracing the learning process and ready to improve with each and every shift?
What if you could sleep well before each shift, minimize the mental stress at home, and control your anxiety so that when you show up for work, you’re ready? You’ve got your game face on and you can handle whatever may come your way.
Look, I’ve been a nurse since 2010. While now I’m a masters-prepared nurse educator, published author, and national speaker who held two national specialty certifications, I didn’t start there. I started out on a fast-paced cardiac med-surg unit intimidated, overwhelmed, and ill-prepared. I’ve been a preceptor, charge nurse, mentor, and even chair of major hospital nurse-led committees.
What if you could take everything I’ve learned since that fateful first year at the bedside and apply them to your practice, now?
And let’s be honest, what’s out there for newbies doesn’t fit the bill.
Maybe in the past you’ve scoured the internet for blog posts, podcast episodes, and books to help ease this transition into practice. Maybe you’ve even met with an experienced nurse or two to hear what it’s really like. But somehow, it doesn’t offer much comfort.
While those sources can be somewhat helpful, they can also be incredibly disjointed, and even have some conflicting and discouraging information.
It’s also very labor intensive to run search after search of the very specific questions you have each shift. Rarely do you come across specific and actionable steps to improve your practice tomorrow.
You’re asking things like...
How do I manage my time when everyone is just fine?
How do I realistically deal with an unhealthy unit culture of backstabbing and passive-aggressive people as the new kid on the block?
What if my preceptor is a jerk?
What impresses physicians, nurse practitioners, and physician assistants, and what makes them cringe?
What do nursing leaders really think about new graduate nurses?
How to I respectfully challenge a physician when I am really worried about the patient and they don’t seem to care?
How do I admit I don’t know something without losing all credibility?
Google doesn’t have great answers for those questions, but I do.
Introducing the FreshRN® New Nurse Master Class -
the first-ever holistic self guided nurse residency program
This comprehensive program was specifically created for the ambitious, newly licensed acute care nurses who want to impress their nursing leaders, colleagues, and patients as they embrace the learning process and become the nurse they’ve always envisioned they’d become.
With the FreshRN® New Nurse Master Class, here’s what you’ll learn:
- What nursing leadership realistically expects from their newly licensed nurses [Understanding Nursing Leadership module]
- Why nurses struggle with impostor syndrome and how to overcome it [Overcoming Impostor Syndrome module]
- That moment when you feel like you want to quit, how to work through it, and become more confident than ever before [When You Want to Quit module]
- How to proactively prevent burnout and compassion fatigue [Self Compassion module]
- Embodying a knowledgeable, confident and calm nurse - even when you don’t feel like one [Role Embodiment module]
- Navigating the preceptee-preceptor relationship, how to optimize it, and what to do if it’s not going well [Navigating Preceptors module]
- How to walk through emotional instability with patients and their loved ones like the comforting leader you’re expected to be [Walking Through Emotional Instability module]
- How to provide proactive and mindful care to your patient, and progress them towards discharge in a meaningful way [Goals of Care module]
- Cultivating healthy boundaries between yourself and your employer, patients, colleagues, and other healthcare team members [Assertiveness module]
- What CMS, CAUTI, and CLABSI really mean and why you should care [Nursing Sensitive Indicators module]
- How to realistically deal with lateral violence as the new kid on the block [Lateral Violence module]
- What impresses physicians and what makes them cringe [What Providers Want from the Nurses module]
- Avoiding the most common workplace injuries and how to prevent them throughout your career [Injury Prevention module]
- What it’s like to live as a nurse on your days off - how to sleep, eat, disconnect, and acclimate to this challenging, yet amazing lifestyle [Emotional Processing & Disconnection module]
- How to confidently escalate care when your patient is circling the drain [Care Escalation module]
- How to manage your time when everyone is doing just fine [Time Management module]
- Discovering that sweet spot between being passive and being aggressive - mastering the art of assertiveness [Assertiveness Module]
- How to give a phenomenal nursing report and sound like a pro [Report Preparation, Report Aspects, Report Organization & Examples modules]
- How to recognize your progress and not dwell on deficits [Orientation Structure module]
- What you offer your nursing unit as a new grad, even if you don’t feel like you bring anything to the table [The Natural Learning Curve module]
Get the most out of your orientation process so that you’re not just surviving - you’re thriving.
Get instant access to the modules now
Once you enroll in the FreshRN® New Nurse Master Class, here’s what you’ll get:
- A comprehensive holistic self-guided nurse residency program structured in a way that prioritizes your mental and physical health above all else
- Access to 70 modules that only contain the most important, must-have information to help you avoid the perpetual state of information overload common for new graduates
- 11+ hours of audio and 9+ hours of video, complete with downloads and worksheets to enhance learning
- Specific and actionable steps to help improve your practice tomorrow
- Video interviews with a nurse leader, provider, members of the health care team, experienced nurses, and even a mental health professional
- Three guided completion plan options (1-month, 3-month, and 12-month)
- Advice and encouragement directly from experienced nurses who care about supporting new grads during their transition to practice
- Lifetime access - work through the content at your own pace and refer back next month, next year, or in five years. It’s yours!
Get started now!
Hear what our current students have to say about the New Nurse Master Class!
Your growth is an investment
One thing I’ve noticed about myself is how easy it is to drop money on fun things (a daily coffee from Starbucks, subscription services for clothes, eating out, Amazon Prime purchases galore) and how little thought I can give that transaction.
But, when it comes to something that could improve my quality of life, how much more thought I give it and my tendency to rationalize it away tend to prevent me from pulling the trigger.
A gym membership? But how often will I really go?
Marriage counseling? I mean, I think we are okay. He never says anything anyway.
An online course to get better at something you love? But what if it doesn’t work?
Journaling? I don’t have time and I’d need to go buy a journal.
What’s interesting is that many of these self-help kinds of things either require little commitment or you can get your money back if it’s not your jam.
I say all of that to say; I know the mental resistance that bubbles up when you’re faced with an opportunity to invest in yourself. I get it. It can be very strong and prevent you from experiencing a new level of peace and growth.
I hesitated for almost a year to get into therapy after working at the bedside in critical care was starting to cause anxiety attacks at home. And it was free through my hospital!
Moments after my first session, I kicked myself for waiting so long.
I don’t want you to miss out on something that could drastically reduce your stress, address any isolation you may feel, and meet you where you truly are as a new graduate nurse - not where you believe everyone thinks you should be.
I am so confident this course will be a game-changer for you that if you’re not seeing real gains at the bedside, you can get 100% of your money back.
Try the FreshRN® New Nurse Master Class for 14 days - risk free.
If you don’t love this Master Class, I insist you get 100% of your money back. Let me tell you why.
I built this course over years… talked to many nursing leaders, physicians, advanced practice providers, preceptors, and new grads to find out the specific and often unspoken needs… read the research… looked closely at different residency programs… tested material and fine-tuned it. I’ve also been there myself and continued to see class after class of newbies have the exact same struggles.
While I’m now a masters-prepared nurse educator, published author, and national speaker with my specialty certification in critical care, I didn’t start there. Back in 2010 I started out on a cardiac med-surg unit as an intimidated, overwhelmed and under-prepared new grad.
And now, all these years later, the unique fears and feelings that I experienced that first year as a nurse are still palpable. Since those impactful first months as a nurse, I have worked in step down and neurocritical care as well. I’ve precepted and mentored many newbies during their transition to practice.
I know what new grad nurses need.
I know it backwards and forwards.
My simple offer is this: If you don’t LOVE this Master Class, I’ll give you 100% of your money back with no questions asked as long as it's requested and issued within 14 days.
You can go through the entire course and if it’s not translating to lower stress at work, a better orientation experience, and an ability to disconnect and enjoy time at home, I will issue a refund.
All you need to do is send one email (listed in the course) and that’s it. No phone call. No awkward conversation requiring you to explain anything. No questions asked.
My simple offer is if you don’t LOVE this course, I’ll give you 100% of your money back with no questions.
The only requirements for refund are:
- It must be requested and issued within 14 days of purchase (please allow 2-3 business days for processing refunds)
- Less than 50% of the course has been completed
You can check out the course and if it’s not translating to a smoother orientation process, and less stress - I will absolutely give you your money back.
All you need to do is send one email (listed in the course) and that’s it. No phone call. No awkward conversation requiring you to explain anything. No questions asked. One email.
Get started now!
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What new grads really need
New grads don’t need more textbook knowledge. They need to know how to practically apply their knowledge at the bedside.
Sounds simple enough, right?
Well, not so much.
See, there’s so much that goes into applying complex medical information to patient care that’s beyond the textbook. Patients have many thoughts, feelings, needs, opinions, preconceived notions, and often don’t understand a lot of what we’re doing. We’ve got to explain and implement detailed care plans, communicate with providers, all while balancing multiple patients. And somehow take care of ourselves!
I’ve been there. I have felt the pressure. I have felt the weight of a family member’s eyes on me as I take care of their loved one, barely knowing what I’m doing.
At the end of the day, we are humans providing care to other humans and navigating them through a really complicated experience.
That’s not in a textbook.
We can’t just memorize signs and symptoms and nursing interventions related to ischemic stroke.
We’ve got to learn how to talk to the patient with a stroke even when we feel like we aren’t prepared enough to be in this position as her nurse… ask her the right questions… support her through a scary situation… put the pieces together, then call a physician and professionally explain to him or her what’s going on.
Once we get the orders, we have to learn how to go back and explain it all to the patient in a way that not only makes sense, but doesn’t terrify her. We’ve got to learn how to talk to her so she’s knows we’re on her team, that we’ve got her back, and that we’re here to help and not enable.
Clearly, this is so much more complex than it seems at first. While it seems like nursing orientation should just be a few shifts of being shown around, it’s not.
Nursing orientation is not something you simply check off of your to-do list. We tend to view it as something that shouldn’t take too long because we believe that by that point, we should be prepared. “Just show me around the unit, I’ll figure it out soon!” is how many anticipate this transition will go.
It’s not like that.
It’s intense. It’s detailed. It encompasses many failures and victories. It takes months.
Simply put: It’s not a transaction, it’s an experience.
You owe it to yourself to walk into that experience with the textbook knowledge as well as the advanced emotional intelligence and resilience required to navigate patients through crisis while simultaneously caring for them clinically.
You can’t do that if you’re constantly doubting yourself… barely sleeping… worried about your finances… feeling like you don’t belong… unable to mentally disconnect from work… if your personal relationships are strained… or if you’re unable to assertively challenge other healthcare providers and patients who are disrespecting you…
I want to teach you how to do all of that so that when you walk onto the unit, you’re ready for it all.
I want you to walk in knowing what you bring to the table - because even though you’re new, you can absolutely bring value to a nursing unit. I want to teach you what that is and how to own it in a way that demonstrates confidence, but doesn’t come off as cocky.
I want to show you how to break through those mental barriers keeping you from being the nurse you’ve always envisioned you’d become so you can clock in with confidence.
This course isn’t just about surviving orientation - it’s about connecting that book knowledge from school with your unique skills and unapologetically stepping into your own as a nurse.
I want to maximize your time at work and teach you how to mentally disconnect from the bedside and cultivate healthy boundaries so you can enjoy your life at home.
After all, you’ve worked this hard to become a nurse - you should be able to put in your time at work, improve each shift, and come home and enjoy the rest of your life. However, that does not come intuitively, and I want to teach this practice to you.
Your Instructor
Kati is a nurse educator with a passion for new graduate nurses. She has been writing blogs, books, hosting podcasts, and speaking all over the country since 2013 specifically to support this unique and important group. Kati has been a member of the profession since 2010 with experience in med-surg, stepdown, and neurocritical care. She has been a preceptor, mentor, charge nurse and is now a nurse educator. Kati was awarded Nurse of Year by the Charlotte Business Journal, and named one of the Great 100 Nurses of North Carolina, both in 2015. Kati is also a published author with the American Nurses Association.