Hi, I'm Kati
I started nursing school in 2007, and at that time I had never set foot in a hospital before. I didn't know how a nursing unit functioned, what supplies were used, or how it all worked. Since those first experiences, I've worked in cardiac med-surg, stepdown, and neurocritical care, and I want to share what I've learned with you so that you don't have to be as ill-prepared and nervous as I was. (And if you want to learn more about me, click here.)
There is a lot to learn on the fly
Walking into clinicals as a student or a new nurse on a unit reminds me a bit of walking into a gym for the first time.
There are so many pieces of equipment with specific ways to use them... free weights, weight machines, treadmills, TRX bands, kettle bells, ellipticals, spin bikes... the list goes on and on.
Not only do you have to know how to use the equipment (and plethora of options) but you also have to know how to plan your workout to fit your needs, interests, and capabilities.
It's a major learning curve for a gym newbie!
It reminds me of the first time I walked onto a nursing unit, and people were talking about telemetry, Kerlix, secondary tubing, code browns, and somehow I felt like I just walked into a different world.
I remember being told to go do a total bed change on a patient and just standing there looking like Kevin McCallister being asked to pack his suitcase on his own.
Spoiler Alert: You've Got This
Thankfully, you don't have to fumble through like I did back in 2007.
Myself and another highly experienced nurse decided to go through these common basic skills and explain them all so that you can walk onto the hospital nursing unit with a sense of familiarity and not in a state of complete overwhelm.
Our goals are to:
- Decrease anxiety for new students so they can put the pieces together faster
- Create a psychologically safe place to pre-answer seemingly "dumb questions" (that are actually 100% reasonable)
- Prevent you from making the mistakes we did
- Save you time by eliminating the need to search online for tips and help
We want you to walk into the hospital with general knowledge to put your nerves at ease, which will allow you to lean into authentic learning faster.
Think of us as your at-home personal trainers who are intimately familiar with that insecure and clunky period of time when you're new to the gym and don't know where to start. We'll walk through what's important (not every little thing - we know you're in a state of information overload!), give you expert advice, tell you common pitfalls to save you from the embarrassment we experienced, and encourage you along the way.
Introducing the FreshRN Nursing School
Clinical Prep Course!
The perfect companion to any new nursing student looking to curb anxiety around clinicals, know the basics and nuances regarding common nursing-specific responsibilities, how a hospital unit functions and flows, and be prepared with really smart questions for your clinical instructor.
Nursing Skills Refresh comes with...
Over 4 hours of video content - with downloadable transcripts!
Tips and encouragement from expert nurses
Lifetime access
Video demos of:
Head of bed walkthrough
Catheter insertion
Bed baths
Getting a set of vitals
IV med prep
Dressing changes and supplies
Respiratory equipment
Incentive spirometer
Drawing labs
Inserting and removing IVs
... and more!
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Course FAQ's
How long do I have access? This course is only available to All-Access Pass Holders. Students will have access as long as their subscription remains active.
When does it start? Whenever you want!
Do I have to be a nursing student to enroll? While this course was created with the new nursing student in mind, anyone can purchase. There are no requirements to enroll.
Does this course come with contact hours? No, it does not.
Please note, a previous title for this course was "Nursing School Clinical Prep".
Hear what our students had to say about
Nursing Skills Refresh!
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